Flames are a social / levelling / semi-casual raiding guild, who have been around since Classic WoW originally launched. Flames of The Phoenix is our Classic/WotLK raiding guild in Arugal - founded in Remulos. We also a sister guild to Flames of the Phoenix in retail WoW (Saurfang). We are a semi-casual progression guild, but not aiming for things like "server first", “Ahead of the Curve" or other hard-core things that other more serious guilds aim for. Our aim is to have fun! - but get stuff done! (Be serious enough when we need to - know how to play our classes and follow mechanics in dungeons and raids). Although we are primarily a PVE guild, PVP events can be arranged by guild members if they wish to. We pride ourselves in being a fun, supportive, and respectful place to belong, and a great community to be a part of!
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Flames of Discovery is not recruiting at this time.
What activities is Flames of Discovery recruiting for?
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What is the primary language used in Flames of Discovery?