Greetings from DRAGONSLAYERS! We are in large part top end raiders from current-classic progression servers who intend to enjoy Season of Discovery in a more relaxed fashion - mainly referring to the time invested as a whole required of each Raider and associated responsibilities. In short, we play smartly and efficiently.
Phase 2 - World 14th
Phase 3 - World 3rd.
Phase 4 - World 12th
Phase 5 - World 8th
Phase 6 - World 34th
Phase 7 - World 5th.
Raid Times: Friday / Sunday / Tuesday 19:30 - 23:00
Items are distributed via Loot Council system, which is entirely merit based. What is Merit in this context?
Having at least 2 raid ready characters and participating in at least 2 raids in a given raid week.
Genuine effort to improve your character through any means available outside guild scheduled raids in order to clear the notoriously difficult Vanilla Raids that 0.5 second faster.
Full consumables are required and taken into account.
Participating in or taking up additional responsibilities required by the guild: Volunteering to help a raid that's missing X role, farming various materials/reputation required in Vanilla to progress through the raids faster.
Participating in Progression Rosters, Progression Characters are treated with priority.
Additional Information: World buffs are mandatory for raiding, guild may require you to craft bandages once in a while to supply them from the guild bank.
Read #About page thoroughly.
DRAGONSLAYERS plays 3 times per week for a total of 10h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Ter | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Sex | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Dom | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Esses dados são baseados em DRAGONSLAYERS's relatórios recentes.
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