Out of Office
[H] Crusader Strike ==== English ==== 9-12 PM EST ==== Loot Council
We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild with the intention of having a fun raiding environment, while also efficiently clearing the raid in a reasonable amount of time. We're looking for players who min/max their characters with the goal to improve each week and achieve exceptional parses, but not necessarily speed run (however currently have a small 10 man interested in speed running content going into phase 2). That being said, it is expected for raiders to come fully prepared with consumables, world buffs, etc.
While our official weekly lockout raid time will be Tuesday 9-12 PM EST, we currently have 2 BFD groups hitting every lockout on weekdays (days can vary). We are looking to create a 3rd/4th group in hopes of creating a 40 man roster.
We are currently recruiting players who enjoy playing SoD and are looking to play for the long term. We're currently highly recruiting the following classes, but are open to recruiting exceptional players:
Druid (Feral or Boomkin) Shaman (Any spec) Warlock Mage Priest Healer
For more information, please DM l0go#0 on discord
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